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Writer's pictureConnie Tributor

The Book of Vows of the Community of Jesus

Updated: Aug 23

This text is copied from an actual booklet used in vows ceremonies. This copy was used as Exhibit 6 in the GCC Class Action Law Suit.


The Book of Vows

of the Community of Jesus

“With the voice of thanksgiving will I sacrifice to Thee; What I have vowed I will pay.” (Jonah 2:9)


The Rule of the Community of Jesus has not yet been put on paper, and may never be written down. This Rule is still developing and being lived out in our midst through the love, grace and mercy of Jesus Christ in His call on our lives.

In this Book of Vows we set forth some of the terms, as we understand them and try to live them. The vows and the taking of them came forth from the heart of the Community of Jesus as we lived together and grew. Within many there was a passionate yearning to somehow tie ourselves down, from our human side, to what we felt God in His mercy and grace had called us to live out.

Thus our need for vows has developed. Although we were greatly enabled by these first vows, they did not completely satisfy us as a life-long statement of our response to God. Therefore, after what was to us many years, our final vows of stability and conversion seemed to complete ail that we could promise and accomplish with words. Since these final vows (and, of course, before they were made) we have moved forward with steadfast purpose, but often faltering steps, towards His holiness and love.


Nevertheless, with the power of forgiveness, repentance and His glorious cross, we move forward into His heavenly kingdom, while yet with our feet firmly planted on this earth.

To Him alone we give our thanks and praise for calling us, such as we are, and drawing us in our hearts’ desires toward Himself.

May God Himself complete His work in us!

For a definition and explanation of the words printed in bold type in the ceremony, please refer to pp. 19–27.


A Word About Vows

Some people object to taking vows, but in the Bible you will find many great men of God directed by covenants, promises, vows and pledges. The Psalmist was not averse to the taking of vows. “Thy vows are upon me, O God,” he said. “I will render my praises unto thee.” (Psalm 56:12)

My counsel in this matter is that if you are really concerned about spiritual improvement—the gaining of new power, new life, new joy, and new personal revival within your heart—you will do well to make certain vows and proceed to keep them. If you should fail, go down in humility and repent and start over. But always keep these vows before you. They will help harmonize your heart with the vast powers that flow out and down from the throne where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God.

~ An excerpt from Five Vows for Spiritual Power by A. W. Tozer


The vows in the following services are vows made to God—not to any person or persons. These vows in no way abrogate or contradict any other vows that have been taken. Their purpose is to heal, strengthen and unify a person in his walk with Jesus Christ and bring him into completeness in Christ. However, because we do not live in a vacuum, but with other human beings, these vows are expressed in relation to human authority and human relationships with those called to love and serve Jesus Christ together as one people at the Community of Jesus.

It is our hope and prayer that in our growing union with Jesus Christ and with one another, the whole Body of Christ may be blessed.


The Community of Jesus Vow Ceremony

Organ Prelude

Prayer of Dedication of the Service Fr. Lane

Opening Remarks Mothers

Hymn 346 Fairest Lord Jesus

Philippians 4:4–9 M. Cay

Philippians 3 M. Judy

Silence is held for a space or a selection of a Hymn, piece by the Choir, Sisters singing, or a Solo

Revelation 7:14b–17 M. Cay

Revelation 12:10–12 M. Judy

Silence is held for a space or a selection of a Hymn, piece by the Choir, Sisters singing, or a Solo

Mark 10:29–31 M. Cay

Psalm 45 M. Judy

The Blessing of all rings and crosses that will Fr. Lane

be given during the Vow Ceremony

The Taking of First Vows



Community Members

The Single Persons’ Vows

The Taking of Second Vows



The Taking of the Final Vows

For Community Members, Sisters and Brothers who have requested to take these vows.

Prayer for all those who have taken vows today Mothers

Hymn 460 Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All

Benediction Fr. Lane



Vows of the Community of Jesus

[excluding vows for Sisters, Brothers, Singles . . . ]

Community of Jesus Members’ First Vows

Group Word is given


Do you desire to make your vow before one another, the Families, Sisters and Brothers of the Community of Jesus, Sisters and Brothers of the Community of Jesus, your priest and pastor, Father Lane, and your spiritual Mothers, Mother Cay and Mother Judy?


I do, freely of my own accord, making my vow to God, saying:

I renew my original commitment of my life to Jesus Christ, and further accept as my lot in life, my new family and situation as Jesus has promised according to Mark’s Gospel, recorded in Chapter 10, verses 29-30: “Jesus said, Truly I tell you, there is no one who has given up and left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, for my sake and for the Gospel, who will not receive a hundred times as much now in this time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life.” I express my obedience to You, Jesus, through my yieldedness and submission to the Community of Jesus and to my spiritual Mothers, Mother Cay and Mother Judy. This I do to prove my earnest intentions, and I ask that the fruit may be shown forth in living a life of love with the members of the Community of Jesus in the faith of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church; and that I might be servant of all. I do this only by Your help and grace, as I am nothing without You.


What is your response to the call of God upon your life?


I state the purpose of my vow, which is to bind me to Christ in the fellowship of a holy life and holy love lived in union with You, Jesus, and expressed in living in community, one with another, of which this ring is a symbol.

The Blessing of Community Members’ rings

Rings are held up to be blessed by Fr. Lane with holy water.

Each person receives individual Word before receiving ring and cross.

The Giving of rings and Community crosses

Individual members give their Community rings to the Mothers.

The following is said while the Mothers put the ring back on:

M. Judy:

This ring is an outward symbol of your inward and spiritual union with Jesus Christ, and your being bound to Him and to Him alone, for time and eternity.

M. Cay:

May God by His grace and mercy make it so.

Community cross is put on each person after receiving ring.

Prayer by Fr. Lane

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